Blog #42 | Aiming for that Six Pack

We are already more than halfway into 2014! Oh how time flies/zooms/dashes/sprints. Well this means it’s time to check up on the progress of my New Year’s resolution, or what I like to call “Melinda’s Big Dreams for 2014”. One of my “big dream”s is to get six pack abs by the end of the year. What are the chances of me getting them? Probably not that high, but that’s my motivation to push myself. I sometimes think it’s nice to set high standards, and then have small, attainable, daily goals that get you closer to that standard. Why a six pack? It’s just a personal preference, and I guess I’d like to be able to see the “fruits of my labour” (which sounded so much better in my head…). I’ve always kind of been an internet bum ever since I got my first computer in Grade 9. I do like sports, but somehow I just end up sitting in front of my computer playing games and watching dramas. It wasn’t until the end of 2013 that I told myself to get off my butt and be more physically active. Dance was a good start, but I wanted to do more to make up for my lack of sport activities in high school. One of my mini goals to get to my six pack “big dream,” was to join the UBC REC volleyball league.
Volleyball hit
My other goal. from keep calm and be a different via giphy
I had wanted to join back in first year, but I was afraid to ask people to start a team and I’m not good at volleyball. I’m glad I got over that fear because I had a great volleyball team this year in term 2 (of 2013/14). Playing with them was a lot of fun; plus I got my exercise in and learned some new skills. It’s a win-win-win situation, and I’m one step closer to getting those six pack abs! Other than volleyball, a bunch of friends got me hooked on to ultimate (VUL). I was a little hesitant at first since I’ve never really played ultimate before, but someone told me that all you have to do is run. Running = exercise, so perfect! Oh no, but ultimate is actually a lot more than running. It’s sprinting, throwing, catching, jumping, blocking, diving, etc. It’s exhausting, but it feels so good after (especially when we win). Again, playing with such an amazing ultimate team keeps me motivated to go to every game.
Milhouse frisbee
How I play. from 99gifs via giphy
However, there is still one thing I need to do to build my six pack (and other muscles), which is to go to the gym! I did go to the gym before (UBC Birdcoop), but I usually don’t stay there for long and I don’t go often…I get lazy and since I’m doing it by myself I don’t feel obligated to go. So it was great when I found a few gym buddies last week! We all want to work on different things, but we keep each other motivated (oh she’s doing 5 more crunches; I better do 5 more as well). Of course, know the limit of your body; if it’s your first time lifting weights, start with lighter weights first and slowly move up. Whether you like working out by yourself or with a friend/s, I think everybody should go to the gym at least once. Give it a try, there’s nothing to lose but lots to gain (ehhh if you know what I mean *flex*). Though I’m trying to go to the gym every day, you still won’t catch me up at 6am to hit the gym. No way. Kitten sleep One “big dream” led to many small, realistic, goals that changed my lazy lifestyle to a more active one. I mean, I still like sitting in front of my computer, but at least I’m not doing that all day every day. You don’t have to join a sports league or be a gym rat to be physically active. Just do something that you enjoy and that keeps your heart pumping. Now try to do that every day! happy gymming! Hopefully I will keep this up until the end of this year and beyond. If I start reverting back to my computer bum self, please come up to me and poke me in the stomach and say, “Hey, so where’s your six pack abs?” Work hard, play hard! Melinda – DC Marketing Director

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